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Thursday, August 16, 2012

Creepy & Creepy - Willards

Most of us remember slogans such as Creeping Socialism, The Red (Communist) Menace, &c. Ancient Rome was governed by propaganda - lies, more lies. half truths, slander, bigotry, hatred, selfishness. . . . Rome had its roads though. Our 'Willard' (movie character) lookalike Rep. Paul Ryan it appears has had only one job in his adult life. His job has been solely this: getting reelected to the United States Congress. Rep. Ryan's family business is, and has been for many years, road construction - in short, government contracts. Rep. Ryan's slogans are akin to Karl Kraus's quip about doctors - "Your money and your life." Rep. Ryan's deadly slogan is a bit more complicated; it's creepy but not creeping. Rep. Ryan's New Greedy Deal is this: 
Privatize everything [Medicare and Social Security] except defense and roads!
[But defense and roads are already privatized!] 
Privatize everything, then! 
[What about jobs?] 
Jobs? Oh, that's Willard's, I mean Gov. Mitt Romney's department. He's going to be the president. And he's had experience in the job-creation department - "He only hired the best and the brightest when he headed up Bain Capital."
[Now we know what Gov. Willard Mitt Romney did at Bain Capital - personnel stuff.] 
[What happened with the rest, the less than the best and brightest?] 
That's a long (unfinished) story. 
[We've all heard the jobs propaganda: tax-cuts first, privatize next, (thereby) further enrichment of the rich, (thereby) creating jobs.] 
[When will these jobs be created?]   
Oh? They (jobs) will be created when wages come back into line. 
[Into line with what? Rather, in line with where?] 
In the mean time Vouchers For All
[All except Congress that is; it has, and makes, its own plans.]
Bullshit gets a very bad name at the hands of our swash-budgeting Rep. Paul Ryan and his businessman associate and frontman, Gov. Willard Mitt Romney.
[Oh rats!] 
See Tobias Barrington Wolff:

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